Life, Accident, & Health Fraternal Accounting (6th edition e-Book)
The 6th Edition of IASA’s Life and Accident and Health Insurance Accounting Textbook has 28 information-packed chapters, including a separate Risk-Based Capital Chapter. The included accounting and reporting guidance are written as of 12/13/2017. Besides providing a historical overview of the industry and statutory accounting for a variety of topics, other areas included are:
- Asset/Liability Management
- An overview of US GAAP Accounting
- Strategic Planning
- Reinsurance
Please note: Only certain aspects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are included in this edition of the textbook; at the time of completion, there were many uncertainties regarding the details of the TCJA.
Available in an e-book version suitable for desktop and mobile devices. Adobe Acrobat is recommended for viewing this pdf file. Order yours today.